Friday, 26 September 2008

Cannabis Ice Cream - Banana Flavour

Cannabis ice cream sounds like a dream come true - get high and satisfy the munchies at exactly the same time! There are plenty of good ice cream recipes out there - this one is my personal favourite...


30 grams Cannabutter
600 ml single cream
3 tablespoons rum
5 tablespoons honey
4 peeled bananas
70 grams sugar
Pinch of salt

For extra taste, you can add pretty much anything else you like - vanilla extract, cookies, creative!

Cooking method:

Heat the cream in a saucepan until it is just below boiling temperature. Gently melt the cannabutter in another saucepan, mixing in the salt and sugar. As always when you are dealing with cannabutter, be careful not to burn it!

Once the cream is heated and the butter has melted, add the cream to the butter and whisk it in thoroughly. Mash up the bananas in a large bowl and add the cream, rum and honey. Now is the time to throw in anything else (chocolate, cookies and so on) that you just have to have in your icecream!

Beat the mixture well, then pour it into a freezable container. Put it in the freezer until it has gone to a lumpy consistency, then take it out and whisk it until it is smooth. Freeze it again - once it is solid, it is ready to eat. Enjoy!

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