Friday, 6 March 2009

Afternoon Haze

I found this latest recipe over at Eric's Kitchen - it sound's absolutely delicious. If you are looking for the perfect way to while away an idle afternoon, it doesn't get much better than this...


100 ml Double cream
1 tablespoon of whisky (or any other spirit/liqueur of your choice)
75 grams of chocolate
20 grams of cannabutter

Cooking Method

Very simple! Break the chocolate into pieces, and warm the cream until it is almost boiling. Remove the pan from the heat, and add all the ingredients to the mix. Stir until the chocolate has melted and the mix is smooth, then pour it into two cups, stick it in the fridge and wait for it to set. The waiting is the hardest part of this recipe!

P.S. Looking for more recipes? Head over to the Marijuana and Cannabis Blog - they've just started posting up some very nice recipes over's their take on Cannabutter...

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