Wednesday, 15 July 2009

Chilli Bean Pot

Here is a recipe I found which I’m fairly sure will warm me up on a chilly evening. The mixture of red wine, marijuana seeds-related goodness and chilli is sure to turn this ordinary bean concoction into something scrumptious!

2 lbs. pinto beans
1 lb. bacon, cut into two-inch strips 2 cups red wine
4 tablespoons chilli powder
1/2 clove garlic
1 cup chopped marijuana
1/2 cup mushrooms
Cooking instructions
Soak the pinto beans in water overnight. Using a large pot, pour boiling water over the beans and allow them to simmer for about an hour, adding more water when necessary, making sure the beans are always completely covered.
Add in the remaining ingredients and leave to simmer for 3 hours so that the bacon will be thoroughly cooked. Add in salt to taste, and enjoy.

Very important small print disclaimer: (too late to be reading if you’re already eating!)

We want to make one thing clear stoners – the recipes reprinted within this blog are for decorative purposes only – ie: print them out, stick them on your wall and make your friends laugh. Although they DO appear on occasion to contain every one of the basic food groups, weed is in a category of its own, and not yet considered a mainstream dietary requirement. We do not condone irresponsible or illegal behaviour and the recipes are reproduced purely for our own amusement. But if YOU find them so amusing that you are powerless to resist trying them out on your friends – you have been warned! And by the way while we’re on the subject, we also take no responsibility whatsoever for your high (or lack of high) if you do try them. In other words - you are entirely responsible for any effects which may result in you or others - especially if your kitchen measurement mantra runs to, “Is this a teaspoon or a tablespoon?” Rock on.

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