Tuesday, 23 December 2008
Hashish Fudge
1 teaspoon black peppercorns
1 whole nutmeg
4 sticks of cinnamon
1 teaspoon coriander
Handful of dates, figs, almonds and peanuts
1 cup of sugar
50g cannabutter
Grind the first four ingredients together in a mortar and pestle. Chop the dates, figs, almonds and peanuts together and dust them with the spices. Dissolve the sugar into the cannabutter, then roll all of the ingredients togther into small balls. Serve and enjoy!
Sunday, 21 December 2008
Cooking with Cannabis Seeds
Cooking with Cannabis Seeds
Before use soak the seeds for at least 4 hours or over night - they become more nutritious, more digestible and more delicious. Important: Do not over heat over 80F as this destroys the nutritional quality of the seed oil.
Cannabis Paste: After soaking add any other seeds you wish plus other herbs to taste such as cumin, coriander and grind into a paste in a pestle & mortar or coffee grinder or similar device. You can also use this to add (at the end of cooking) to soups and other dishes.
Cannabis Milk: Use the cannabis paste made as above or seeds just on their own, to whisk in a blender with mineral water. Add fruits and more butter and blend more for smoothie of perfection. Use the remaining pulp in your cannabis paste making or just add (at the end of cooking so as not to over heat) to dishes for extra creamy flavor.
Red Lentil, Chickpea and Sprouted Hemp Seed Falafel.
2 Cups Red Lentils.
3 Cups Chickpeas - soaked over night
1 Cup of soaked cannabis seeds
1 Medium Onion - chopped
2 Cloves Garlic - chopped
1 tsp. Ground Cumin
1 tsp. Ground Coriander
1 cup of Rolled Oats
1 Pint of Vegetable Stock
Olive Oil, Sea Salt & Ground Pepper (to taste)
Cooking Instructions:
Boil the chickpeas in fresh water until tender. Leave to stand to one side. Fry the onions and garlic without color adding the cumin and coriander and mix well. Add the washed red lentils and vegetable stock to just cover the lentils, simmer gently for about 15 minutes until all the stock is absorbed and the lentils are tender. In a blender, puree the strained chickpeas and add to the red lentils, season to taste, mix in the oats and cannabis seed. Leave to stand for 20 minutes in a cool place to absorb the moisture and the mix becomes workable to form small patties. Dip in Oats and shallow fry until golden brown. Serve in pitta bread with salad, and vegan mayonnaise.
Friday, 21 November 2008
Cannabis Banana Bread
Ingredients (for one loaf):
1/2 cup of cannabutter
2 cups of flour
3 bananas (as ripe as possilbe
1/2 a cup of sour cream/milk
1 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
Optional A handful of walnuts for texture.
Cooking method:
Heat the oven to 350 degrees, then beat together the eggs, sour cream/milk, sugar and cannabutter in a large bowl. Then add the vanilla and baking soda to the mixture.
Keep beating the mix, and gradually add the flour a little bit at a time. Once that has mixed in fully, add the bananas and beat them until they are mashed in.
Place it in a greased baking tray and cook for one hour.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Mary Jane Superweed Super Candy
1lb cannabutter
3-4 tsps honey
2 cups of shredded coconut
1/2 cup of almond meal
1 cup chopped currents
Blend the cannabutter with the honey in a mixing bowl . Seperately mix the almond meal and coconut together, then knead in the cannabutter and honey mixture. Roll the currents into the mixture, then break it off into individual pieces.
Monday, 3 November 2008
Magic Pancakes
1/4 cup of flour
2 tablespoons of baking powder
2 teaspoons of sugar
1/2 teaspoon of salt
A pinch of cinnamon
2 tablespoons of oil
1/2 cup of water
3/4 cup of cannabis milk
Cooking Method:
Heat the frying pan on a medium heat while you make the batter. Mix the dry ingredients thoroughly in one bowl, and mix together the wet ingredients in a separate bowl.
Add the wet mixture to the dry mix, and blend them together. Oil the frying pan slightly, then add the mix. Flip the pancakes when they begin to bubble on the surface, and be careful not to burn them.
Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Green Dragon

The legendary Green Dragon is a simple and immensely potent way of consuming cannabis. Mixing very strong alcohol and weed, this recipe isn't for the faint hearted - go easy when you first try it!
1 litre strong alcohol (the stronger and purer the better. Absolut vodka and overproof rum are possibilities...but stay away from absinthe unless you are feeling especially dangerous!)
1/2 ounce cannabis
Simple enough. Grind the cannabis into a powder and add it to the alcohol. Then just leave it to brew...
Give it a good shake every day, and leave it for at least two weeks (though Green Dragon purists would say you have to leave it for a month or so.) Then just crack it open and enjoy. Be warned once again - it is VERY powerful!
Thursday, 16 October 2008
Pot Pasta
2 cups of shell pasta
1 1/2 cup of cannabis milk
half a pepper (any colour)
half an onion
a glove of garlic
2 tablespoons of margarine (or cannabutter if you want it really strong!)
4 tablespoons of flour
1/2 teaspoon of wet mustard
fresh dill spice
3 tablespoons of nutritional yeast
soy sauce
Cooking method:
Cook the pasta, drain it and set it aside. Sautee all of the vegetables until the onions are limp and transparent, then add them to the pasta. Melt the margarine, and add the flour until it is a thick paste, then add the cannamilk and whisk it all together. Heat it gently (the sauce will burn easily if you aren't careful) then chuck in the vegetables and the pasta. Serve and enjoy!
Tuesday, 14 October 2008
Cannabis Milk
It's also very simple to make - the only tricky thing about this recipe is that you need a double boiler . If you don't have one, try improvising with two saucepans (one inside the other) with a lid that will cover both of them.
1 gram of cannabis
200ml of milk (full fat is best, as it is better at absorbing the THC)
You can make as much or as little as you like, as long as you keep the proportions roughly the same...
Cooking Method:
Reduce the cannabis to as fine a powder as possible. Heat the milk gently in the double boiler, then add the cannabis powder.
Leave it for an hour or so and strain out the cannabis with a cheescloth. Leave it in the fridge to cool, then use as you wish.
Note that it doesn't taste very good on its own, so I recommend using it in a recipe that will help mask the taste!
Friday, 10 October 2008
2 Recipes for Bhang
I found these two recipes over at http://www.holifestival.org/bhang-recipes.html - can't wait to try them!
Flavoured Bhang
2 cups water
1 ounce marijuana (fresh leaves and flowers of a female plant preferred)
4 cups warm milk
2 tablespoons blanched and chopped almonds
1/8 teaspoon garam masala (a mixture of cloves, cinnamon, and cardamon)
1/4 teaspoon powdered ginger
1/2 to 1 teaspoon rosewater
1 cup sugar
Bring the water to a rapid boil and pour into a clean teapot. Remove any seeds or twigs from the marijuana, add it to the teapot and cover. Let this brew for about 7 minutes.
Strain the water and marijuana through a piece of muslin cloth, collect the water and save.
Take the leaves and flowers and squeeze between your hands to extract any liquid that remains. Add this to the water.
Place the leaves and flowers in a mortar and add 2 teaspoons warm milk. Slowly but firmly grind the milk and leaves together. Gather up the marijuana and squeeze out as much milk as you can.
Repeat this process until you have used about 1/2 cup of milk. Collect all the milk that has been extracted and place in a bowl. By this time the marijuana will have turned into a pulpy mass.
Add the chopped almonds and some more warm milk. Grind this in the mortar until a fine paste is formed. Squeeze this paste and collect the extract as before. Repeat a few more times until all that is left are some fibers and nut meal. Discard the residue.
Combine all the liquids that have been collected, including the water the marijuana was brewed in. Add to this the garam masala, dried ginger and rosewater. Add the sugar and remaining milk.
Chill, serve, and enjoy.
Hot Buttered Bhang
half a cube (1/8 pound) of butter or ghee
1/3 - 1/2 oz. Of Marijuana Leaves
8 ounces of Vodka (That's right, this one has vodka in it!)
1-2 pinches of Cardamom seeds
In a pan, melt the butter or ghee. Break up the marijuana leaves into the pan. Once the butter and leaves are hot and sizzling, add in 8 ounces of vodka. Be careful that the hot butter doesn't make the mixture splatter. Pour the Vodka in swiftly to avoid problems. Continue boiling the mixture for roughly 30 more seconds, stirring simultaneously. Add a pinch or two or powdered cardamom seed while boiling.
Once mixture has been boiled to desired amount, strain the fluids and mash the contents through a strainer. You should use a tool like a spoon to try and squeeze all the juices out. Throw away the mush, or reboil to try and bet more juices out. Pour the liquid into two 4 ounce wine glasses.
Tuesday, 7 October 2008
Chocolate Brownies
100g cannabutter
50g of chocolate
2 eggs
Pinch of Salt
Tsp baking powder
Feel free to add in nuts, raisins, vanilla, orange zest, or whatever else you fancy to add to the flavour.
Cooking Instructions:
Gently melt the cannabutter in a large saucepan (careful not to burn!). Chop or break the chocolate into smaller pieces, and melt that in as well. Beat in the eggs, add the salt, baking powder and any optional ingredients!
Once everything has melted together nicely, pour it into a baking tin. Stick it in an oven at 150C for thirty minutes or so, then take it out, leave it to cool, cut into squares and enjoy!
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Sensible Seeds Articles
Cannabis Shortbread
4oz cannabutter/regular butter (The more cannabutter you have, the stronger it will be but the "greener" it will taste, so use some regular butter instead if you want a more buttery flavour)
3oz caster sugar
5oz flour
1oz semolina
Cooking Instructions:
Cream the cannabutter and sugar together, until it is creamy and light. Then add flour and semolina gradually, stirring it in with a fork. Draw it all together with fingertips, until you get a dough.
Press it into a greased tin, prick well all over, bake at 150c for about 30-35 mins. Take them out, drench in sugar and cut into shortbread pieces.
Chocolate Orange Truffles
4oz plain chocolate
1oz butter
1oz cannabutter
2 egg yolks
grated zest of half an orange
1/2 tablespoons orange juice or rum
3oz ground almonds
2oz grated chocolate
1oz cocoa powder
1/8 ground bud (optional)
Cooking Instructions:
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan 1/4 full with very hot but not boiling water. Add the butter and melt with the chocolate.
Remove from the heat add the ground bud (if using), egg yolks, orange zest, orange juice or rum and the almonds. Add the grated chocolate and mix to form a thick paste and leave to go cold.
Roll in to balls and dust in cocoa. Simple and delicious!
Don't leave them too long, as they do contain raw egg!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Cannabis Ice Cream - Banana Flavour

Cannabis ice cream sounds like a dream come true - get high and satisfy the munchies at exactly the same time! There are plenty of good ice cream recipes out there - this one is my personal favourite...
30 grams Cannabutter
600 ml single cream
3 tablespoons rum
5 tablespoons honey
4 peeled bananas
70 grams sugar
Pinch of salt
For extra taste, you can add pretty much anything else you like - vanilla extract, cookies, chocolate...be creative!
Cooking method:
Heat the cream in a saucepan until it is just below boiling temperature. Gently melt the cannabutter in another saucepan, mixing in the salt and sugar. As always when you are dealing with cannabutter, be careful not to burn it!
Once the cream is heated and the butter has melted, add the cream to the butter and whisk it in thoroughly. Mash up the bananas in a large bowl and add the cream, rum and honey. Now is the time to throw in anything else (chocolate, cookies and so on) that you just have to have in your icecream!
Beat the mixture well, then pour it into a freezable container. Put it in the freezer until it has gone to a lumpy consistency, then take it out and whisk it until it is smooth. Freeze it again - once it is solid, it is ready to eat. Enjoy!
Marrakesh White Cookies
2.5 dl warm cannabutter
1.25 dl sugar or honey
1 egg
2 teaspoons vanilla extract or for variation almond, orange or lemon may be used
7.5 dl flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
Blend together the cannabutter and honey, then beat the egg and stir the vanilla extract into the mixture.
Sift together the flour and baking powder, then combine all the ingredients together to make a dough. Chill the dough until it is firm, then roll it out and cut it into cookies.
Press one almond into the centre of each one, put them on a greased baking tray and cook them at about 190C for 8 minutes or so. Then serve and enjoy!
Basic Cannaboil

Cannabis cooking oil has two main advantages over cannabutter - you can cook with it at higher temperature (necessary for some of the recipes) and it lasts longer if you store it.
30 grams of cannabis
1.5 litres of cooking oil
Once again, this is the basic ratio, feel free to modify this up or down.
Cooking Instructions:
Heat the oil in a large saucepan or frying pan, but be careful that it doesn't start to boil. Hot and just below boiling is the temperature that you want.
Add the cannabis (which should be in a fine powder, like with the cannabutter), and maintain it at a low simmer. If it starts to boil, turn down the heat immediately - it'll ruin the flavour of the entire batch if it burns. Keep stirring it, and let it simmer for two hours or so. The oil will turn a greenish black colour - once it has, it is ready.
Let it cool, then strain it throroughly, and discard the cannabis. It's now ready for use!
Basic Cannabutter

Cannabutter is the classic base ingredient for all kinds of cannabis related cookery. I've always found there's something very special about growing your own stuff from cannabis seeds, then cooking and eating it - very natural!
25 grams of cannabis (I especially recommend either Mango or Blueberry)
500 grams of butter
Several cups of water (it doesn't really matter how much, as it will be seperated in the end anyway)
This is the basic ratio - 20 grams of butter per gram of cannabis. Obviously, you can make more or less depending on your requirements, or how strong you want the stuff to be.
Cooking Instructions:
Grind up the cannabis until it is very, very fine - far finer than if you were going to smoke it. You want to turn it into a fine powder, and an electric or manual coffee grinder is probably the best tool for the job (or you could just put in a little elbow grease with a mortar and pestle.)
Heat the water in a frying pan or saucepan on the hob, then melt the butter on a medium to low heat. Once it has completely melted, add the cannabis powder, stir it in and then turn it down to a very low heat. Keep stirring it (be careful that the butter doesn't burn!). Feel free to enjoy the fumes.
Cook it on a low heat for between two to three hours, depending on how strong you want it to be, then carefully strain the mixture into a jug or jar, seal it up, and stick it in the fridge. A layer of butter will soon solidify above the dirty water. Peel away the butter and throw away the water. The butter is now ready to be used as you see fit!
Intro to the Cannabis Cookbook and Sensible Seeds
We thought it was high time that we put together a little online cannabis cookbook for people to share recipes.
So, rate the recipes, and suggest your own. Above all, do try this at home!