Tuesday 20 January 2009

Cannabis Noodles

Here's an interesting idea for those who like a more oriental flavour in their cooking:

Cannabis Noodles

this can be made for any number of people, and the amount of ingredients necessary vary - it's best to use common sense on this one.

Noodles - any type.
Seasoning of your choice
Cannabis, finely chopped - slightly more than you'd use to smoke.
Lamb or Chicken cut into chunks (not necessasary if vegitarian)

Melt the butter into a pan and fry the meat until browning. Fill a separate bowl two thirds full of water and bring to the boil. Add you chopped cannabis and any seasoning, and leave to simmer for fifteen minutes. Then add the meat, stir, and leave for a further five minutes. Lastly, add your noodles and bring to the boil for five minutes. Serve with cannabis left in or taken out as you prefer (in give a more powerful high).

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